The Amazon Delivery Vehicle (ADV)

The team has been chosen to develop a simulator to train pilots to fly
the Amazon Delivery Vehicle (ADV). The ADV is deployed from a nearby-launch pad/warehouse
where the package is attached and then sent out for delivery.
The ADV is un-manned - the ADV Simulator will simulate the last two minutes of flight -
this is the point where it stops following the airborne delivery corridor
and egresses to the delivery location. This portion of the ADV does not simulate pilot steering controls -
it trains the pilot on alerts and warning before the next step in the simulation.

The ADV has a single display on the pilot's PC. This display has three kinds of alerts -
alarms, warnings, and indicators. All alerts are white/clear when not active.
Alarms are enabled when the pilot is required to take some precautionary action,
warnings are enabled when the system has taken some action the pilot should be informed about,
and lastly indicators are used to inform the pilot that an optimal condition has been reached.
Alarms are red when enabled, warnings yellow, and indictors green.
Warnings, when enabled, stay lit for 5 seconds to ensure that the pilot/operator
has acknowledged the condition. There are no audible alerts.

Indicators Descriptions

Results of Tests Using Junit and Jacoco